By Rudy Treminio

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ElPatronn’s journey in the car industry started 18 years ago. He was doing alright, but it was just over the past few years that he decided to make a positive change to his life and found his passions for social media marketing. Today El Patronn, whose real name is Rudy Treminio, is a celebrated automotive dealership owner, social media marketing and branding expert as well as the creator of an app. ElPatronn has also written a book by the name of Game Changer. Game Changer is basically a memoir of the experiences that ElPatronn has faced through his life. With every chapter of the book, he discusses a chapter of his life. By writing this book Game Changer, ElPatronn was not only after personal gain, but also wished to provide motivation and inspiration to others around him. It can be said that he was quite successful in this goal as ElPatronn’s words are taken quite seriously by entrepreneurs all around the world. It not only provides a mental map for the checkpoints to any successful business but also talks about what mistakes to avoid and how to overcome them.

During his lifetime, ElPatronn has had to struggle quite a lot with alcoholism. It has had a terrible impact on both his personal and public life and has given several setbacks to an otherwise talented and ambitious person. However, it is a matter of great pride that ElPatronn has successfully overcome his addiction and set his life on the track to the high road. ElPatronn’s journey is testimony to the fact that anyone- however hopeless that situation might feel, can always come out of it and turn their world 180 degrees. “I feel like we all have some sort of addiction. In order to overcome it you have to admit that there is a problem. Once you face your demons head on, you have become a stronger version of yourself.”, adds ElPatronn.

El Patronn is an inspirational person who has fought all the hardships in his life to come out hugely successful. He is a beacon of hope to all others who wish to push themselves to the best of their abilities and want to make a name for themselves.